Mouthwash dilema

From the Times 22 November 2017

Scientists report that overweight people who use a mouthwash are 50% more likely to develop diabetes.

Research at Harvard tested people who used a mouthwash twice a day were likely to develop diabetes or a prediabetic condition, irrespective of their gender,weight and diet compared to those who used it less often.

Kamudi Joshipura the author of the study found that the powerful antibacterial mouthwashes destroy all bacteria including those which produce nitric oxide which helps the body regulate insulin levels.

Diabetes charities Are awaiting further studies before comment. The British Dental Association does not list a mouthwash as an essential for proper health care.

Mouth wash is often marketed the route to good oral hygine.

There is no substitute for good tooth brushing ( with a fluoride containing toothpaste) and flossing technique.